Site Survey
In order for the ILTs to be most effective, careful consideration must be given to their placement. Carry out an initial survey to gather information on the site:
1.Start outside the building
a.Note the most likely sources of insects – i.e. breeding sites such as dumpsters, drainage, farms etc.
2.Walk from outside to the inside of the building
a.Establish the likely entry points for flying insects
b.Determine the natural path the insects might take as they move through the building
c.Consider how windows, doors, lighting and air movement might guide insects along.
3.Grade the areas of the building according to level of risk – low, medium and high.
4.Define front and back of house areas that need flying insect control equipment.
5.Plan the specific locations for Insect Light Traps.
General Placement Guidelines
It is important to place ILTs in the best position to maximize effectiveness.
•It is recommended that ILTs are wall mounted 6.5ft (2m) from the ground, the typical height of a fly’s flight path, and where they can be easily accessed to be serviced.
• ILTs should not be positioned where they may be damaged e.g. in passageways, in the way of maintenance staff or fork lift trucks.
• Position ILTs so that they intercept flies before they can enter critical areas.
• Position ILTs so that insects are drawn away from the area that is being protected.
• Do not place ILTs over food preparation, packaging or processing areas.
ILT Maintenance
It is important to maintain the ILTs to prolong best performance.
•Replace consumables regularly:
– Glue boards should be changed every four weeks.
-Lamps should be changed every 12 months prior to peak insect season in Spring.
• Keep ILTs clean and free from debris by servicing and cleaning them on a regular basis.